寧波優諾姆機械有限公司位于寧波市高新區貴駟街道,是一家集設計、開發、生產、銷售于一體的特殊注塑機生產企業。公司專注自主研發、技術攻關,引進德國注塑機設計理念與制造技術,現已有實用新型*,發明多項。自主研發的“排氣式注塑機”、“蠟筆注塑機”、“劃粉注塑機”等產品,其技術含量處于國內水平,*國內外空白。在2016年獲得寧波國家高新區創業明星企業稱號,2016年創新型初創企業暨浙江省科技型中小企業,2018年在寧波市股權交易中心掛牌,榮幸的被區里評為高新區(新材料科技城)創新型企業培育,*等稱號。 企業現處于高速發展成長階段,目前已擁有各類專業人員,研發團隊。公司每年增長率超過30%,不斷地進行著技術改造,大量購入研發*設備,并完成了一條標準生產線布局,技術改造的同時進行了創新投入和人才的引進, 在做好產品的前提下,公司還進行了市場的拓展和資本的引進。目前,公司已推出了“優諾姆”牌UNM系列注射量為68-4000G、合模力為500-8800KN塑料免烘料注射成型機及高效節能伺服系統和電木射出成型機做花雙色注塑機,蠟筆注塑機,雙油路注塑機一邊溶膠一邊開模,排氣式注塑機,混雙色注塑機,均是集*科技及市場需求而研制的優質產品。主打產品排氣式注塑機主要優勢,節能,環保,高效,安全,結構新穎、性能穩定、等顯著特點,備受各地客戶的青睞,并且為環保事業貢獻了一份力。優諾姆注塑機和優諾姆企業本著“穩抓質量,開拓創新,求實進取”的一貫宗旨,力求為廣大用戶提供的產品和到位的服務,努力打造*的“優諾姆”注塑機。Ningbo UNM Machinery Co., Ltd. is located in Guifei Street, Gaoxin District, Ningbo City. It is a special injection molding machine manufacturer integrating design, development, production and sales. Since 2008, the company has focused on the development of innovative fields such as independent research and development, technological research, and implementation of the concept of science and technology. Now it has a utility model patent authorization, a number of invention patents, and independently developed "exhaust injection molding machine" and Mcrayon injection molding" . The patented products such as "machine" and Hpowder injection molding machine" are at the leading level at home and abroad. In 2016, the company won the title of Ningbo National High-tech Zone Eepreneur Star Enterprise, 2016 Innovative Start-up Enterprise and Zhejiang Science and Technology Small and Medium-sized Enterprise. It was listed in Ningbo Equity Exchange Center in 2018 and won the Innovation Enterprise of High-tech Zone (New Materials Technology City). C*te, high-tech enterprises and other titles. The founder Yao Jianye was interviewed by of . The research and development process of developing the exhaust-type injection molding machine "Ten Years of Grinding a Sword" was put on the domestic official platform in the spirit of artisans.The "exhaust injection molding machine" takes the UNM-168 injection molding machine as an example to produce plastic raw material reinforced nylon. It can be tested by the National Plastic Machinery Product Quality Testing Center and can save about 8 degrees per hour. The main advantages of the vented injection molding machine are energy saving, environmental protection, high efficiency, safety, novel structure, stable performance, etc., which are favored by customers all over the world, and coibute to the environmental protection cause and implement the national energy conservation and environmental protection call. With the consistent aim of "stable quality, pioneering and innovative, realistic and enterprising" , UNM Injection Molding Machine and UNM Enterprise strive to provide the most perfect products and the most suitable services for the users, and strive to create a well-known brand of "good” . Nome" injection molding machine.