Product features Fubon large horizontal mixer (advantage)
1 the machine with the door cover safety switch, protect the operator safety, the use of fully enclosed cycloid or reducer, horsepower is adequate, good heat radiating performance, can be used continuously for a long time;
2 heating drying with bucket design of double U shaped, the inner wall is a full stainless steel material, easy to clean, avoid rust;
3 stainless steel in the shaft and a "S" shaped blade, mix quickly and evenly, and has the advantages of low noise, compact structure, convenient repair, easy cleaning, evenly stirring, time is short, fast;
4 cycloid reducer, long life, low noise, become dry mixing, close the "heating switch" can be used for uniform mixing of materials use.
5 digital control, shutdown alarm, motor phase loss, over-current protection function;
6 can be customized heating and without heating functions according to the requirements of customers, but also can be customized manual or pneumatic discharging port and a spiral feeding machine
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