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Introduction to Our Company
Established on March 21 2008 with registered capital of two million RMB and located at D1-5 South District of Chengwanglidu Xiangsi Lake East Road Nanning Guangxi, Nanning Xihuang Instrument Co., Ltd specializes in the sales of instruments and consumables of laboratories as well as medical apparatus (awarded with Medical Apparatus License), covering such areas as life science, marine monitoring, environment monitoring, chemistry, chemical industry, food detection, medicine science, pharmacy. Currently we mainly target at universities, institutes, medicine inspection, agriculture system, inspection and quarantine system, and other institutions and enterprises. We provide our customers with comprehensive and accurate schemes: besides detailed reply to customers’ before sales inquiries, we also offer complete installation and debugging, training for instrument application, and excellent after sales service.
Taking “Honesty and harmony produce mutual benefits” as our culture and philosophy, we have developed stable cooperation with excellent manufacturers at home and abroad, especially the cooperation involved with imported instruments. We have accumulated abundant experience in importing and exporting business since we acquired a franchise for importing and exporting in 2008.  The business of laboratory qualification, accreditation and advisory was added in our company in 2013. With a leading technical director and advisory experts, we have helped more than one hundred enterprises and intuitions accomplish laboratory qualification, accreditation and advisory, winning their immense praise. Our quality management and technical staff and terrific technical service system contribute to first-class instruments and service for our customers. We ask specialized manufacturers to conduct regular training for our technical engineers so as to solve customers’ problems concerned with specialized instruments, so that we win the general approval of customers in fiercely competitive market.

工商信息Business information
經營狀態 存續 天眼評分


注冊資本 1000萬人民幣 人員規模 小于50人
實繳資本 200萬人民幣 工商注冊號 450100200018116 組織機構代碼 67247012-8
統一社會信用代碼 91450107672470128D 納稅人識別號 91450107672470128D 營業期限
企業類型 有限責任公司(自然人投資或控股) 行業 儀器儀表制造業 核準日期
參保人數 9 登記機關 南寧市西鄉塘區市場監督管理局
曾用名 英文別稱
注冊地址 南寧市相思湖東路1號騁望驪都居住小區D1棟5號
經營范圍 許可項目:危險化學品經營(依法須經批準的項目,經相關部門批準后方可開展經營活動,具體經營項目以相關部門批準文件或許可證件為準)一般項目:儀器儀表銷售;實驗分析儀器銷售;第二類醫療器械銷售;玻璃儀器銷售;橡膠制品銷售;教學專用儀器銷售;環境保護專用設備銷售;專用化學產品銷售(不含危險化學品);建筑裝飾材料銷售;計算機軟硬件及輔助設備批發;標準化服務;海水養殖和海洋生物資源利用裝備銷售;軟件開發;機械設備研發;實驗分析儀器制造;儀器儀表修理;電氣設備修理;通用設備修理;信息技術咨詢服務;技術服務、技術開發、技術咨詢、技術交流、技術轉讓、技術推廣;貨物進出口;技術進出口;裝卸搬運;普通貨物倉儲服務(不含危險化學品等需許可審批的項目);專業設計服務;工程造價咨詢業務(除依法須經批準的項目外,憑營業執照依法自主開展經營活動)
股東信息Shareholder information
序號 股東(發起人) 持股比例 認繳出資額 認繳出資日期
90% 900萬元 2037-12-31
10% 100萬元 2037-12-31
專利信息Patent Information
序號 申請日 專利名稱 專利類型 申請號 公開(公布)號 公開(公告)日




資質證書qualification certificate
證書圖片 名稱 發證機構 生效日期 截止日期  
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