德國burkert 2032 T型閥 寶德氣動2032 T型閥
2032型閥主要特點是:*的外殼,沒有焊縫 通過隔膜將介質與驅動裝置嚴格分離 堅固的通用驅動裝置,具有模塊化配件系列 不銹鋼外殼 質量認證 FDA / 3A。T 型閥系統,用于調節高純度、無菌的、侵蝕性或磨損性介質。借助于這種系統,可以進行好的抽樣、以及排空或循環臨界性工藝介質。
德國burkert 2032 T型閥 寶德氣動2032 T型閥
Body by a unique material piece of mechanical processing and into (monolithic structure - no weld). High quality of diaphragm criticality medium and servo drive seal separation. Through the pneumatic pilot operated valves (single pilot operated valves, valve islands, or control head), can control of pneumatic servo drive. A, control functions in A stationary position by the spring force closure.