


Shandon Excelsior ES™

  • 公司名稱上海百基生物科技有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       號
  • 所  在  地上海市
  • 廠商性質其他
  • 更新時間2024/9/10 14:07:09
  • 訪問次數71

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上海百基生物科技有限公司 — 上海生命科學儀器領域里的生力軍,自2008年成立以來就以“產品,,”為宗旨,并用最短的時間,以的速度得到眾多客戶的認可和支持。 “產品”:本公司所代理的實驗室儀器設備很多都是的產品,如Thermo旗下Heraeus品牌的離心機、CO2培養箱、深低溫冰箱,arnstead品牌的純水、液氮罐等。 “”:本公司成立之初并未大張旗鼓地去推廣銷售所代理的產品,而是腳踏實地地從免費維護前任代理商所銷售的產品開始,而且向客戶承諾每年對所代理的產品免費維護一次,對客戶的來電2小時內售后服務部做出應答,如產品出現問題24小時內售后服務工程師到達現場,以尋求的解決方案。 “”:本公司現有銷售精英8人,售后服務工程師6人,銷售工程師和售后工程師對客戶的承諾公司將不折不扣地去兌現。 百基公司致力于為客戶提供全面,優質的實驗室解決方案和產品技術服務,并希望與上海的廣大科研工作者建立長期忠誠的合作,為國家的生命科學研究貢獻全力。同時以打造一個“百”年“基”業的公司為目標,并為此不斷努力奮斗! 尊敬的廣大科研工作者,選擇百基不會有錯!百基會用產品和行動證明一切!
Shandon Excelsior ES™
Shandon Excelsior ES™ 產品信息

Shandon Excelsior ES™

Shandon Excelsior ES™

That's why the Shandon Excelsior ES remains the instrument of choice for laboratories throughout the world who have used the proven technology to meet their most challenging tissue processing applications time after time. With the new Shandon Excelsior ES, all of the innovative features that you have come to expect from the Shandon Excelsior are combined with new, redesigned software in a more simplified format. It makes operation easy for anyone from the first-time user to the senior laboratory technician. With the built-in benefits of a more robust reagent cabinet, easy-view wax baths, safety, ease of use, increased productivity, and reagent cost savings, the Shandon Excelsior ES continues to set the standard of quality and provide consistent results for the user. Shandon Excelsior ES - Better software for better results.
  • Daily Operations Mode - an easy-to-use operating mode for routine operation of the Shandon Excelsior ES.
  • Daily operators may select and start a processing run or a flush cycle with one key press.
  • When needed, the Menu Mode delivers all the functionality that the Shandon Excelsior ES has to offer.
  • The Quality Control screen will allow the daily user to acknowledge rotation requests; approved users may also change rotation parameters when accessing the Quality Control screen from the Menu mode.
  • Access to the Menu Mode functions may be user-protected to prevent inexperienced users from changing programs or setup parameters.
  • Wax bath levels may be easily verified by simply opening the cabinet doors for viewing – no need to remove the waste wax tray.
Enhanced software illustrates the simplicity of the new Shandon Excelsior™ ES.
  • Intuitive, easy-to-learn operation
  • Key-press functions for ease of daily operations
  • Simple layout
  • Simple QC functions
  • Automated in-process reagent management
Shandon Excelsior™ ES Tissue Processor is Now Xylene-Free!!!
  • The only xylene-free application with no microwaves or excessive heat
  • 40% cost reduction in processing reagents
  • No hands-on time for reagent management
  • The only tissue processor with in-process reagent rotation
  • Intuitive software accomodates all users
  • The safest processor on the market
  • Unique down-draft ventilation
  • Formaldehyde and solvent air filters
  • Battery back-up power supply

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