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舟山經緯食品機械有限公司是注冊于中華人民共和國的合法企業。公司位于祖國的東方明珠千島城市——舟山市區,與海天佛國普陀山隔海相望。距舟山飛機場僅10公里,與上海、寧波僅一海之隔。公司致力于打造一個一體化的食品加工設備行業平臺,為客戶提供產品即創造價值。我們的使命是提供創新性的服務,為客戶帶來更多價值。公司主營業務是飲料和果汁果醬加工設備,并通過不斷的技術創新,優化資源配置,大大提高公司在行業中的競爭力,被中國食品協會確定為為數不多的設備制造商之一。 舟山經緯食品機械有限公司為全國食品機械設備的優秀企業,設有專業研發中心,集產品研發、制造于一體。擁有20臺進口的DM-3000立式加工中心,以及各種進口*的設備,全面采用CAD.CAM進行產品的設計。 本公司主營產品:易拉罐灌裝機,易拉罐封口機,易拉罐封罐機,顆粒灌裝機,濃醬灌裝機,飲料灌裝生產線,純水生產設備,瓶裝水灌裝生產線,罐頭灌裝生產線,植物蛋白飲料生產線,(氣)碳酸飲料生產線,維生素功能飲料生產線,果汁飲料生產設備,葡萄酒生產線,白酒生產線等(果蔬飲料、八寶粥、食用油、調味品、蜂產品、化妝品等全套生產線設備)各種飲料機械灌裝設備、包裝設備及配套產品,滿足各種不同類型客戶的需求,我們還提供工藝設計,施工指導、機械制造、安裝調試、售后服務、技術培訓、飲料工藝配方等交鑰匙工程服務,可為國內外大、中型罐頭廠、飲料廠和其他食品領域提供專業的整線解決方案,同時建立完善的售前售中售后服務體系,為客戶發展中遇到的問題和困難提供指導幫助。 “誠信為本先做人,后做事”是我公司企業精神,我公司秉承以用戶需求為核心,為國內外客戶提供優質的產品和完善的服務,真誠合作,共創雙贏!
鮮棗果汁加工生產線500-2000kg/h保質期6-12個月 產品信息



fruit machinery



















電壓380V 50Hz/110V 60hz/415V 50Hz












Flow No. Name Size Main technical parameter Unit Qty
A: Palm date washing system
A-1 Rollarounds metering conveyor 1T/H Material: SUS 304 support, roller elevator, adjustalble evevating speed, machine size: 2000mmL*600mm W Unit 1
A-2 Bubble cleaning elevator 1T/H Material:SUS304 machine support, fruit washing pool, stainless steel baffle plates (the baffles are all with holes) are all made of SUS304, elevatoring speed is manually adjustable, with spray cleaning, the sloping bottom, hand hole, an overflow port, discharging port, the size is about: L*W*H=2500mm×1000mm×1200mm, the diameter of the baffle is: 3000mm×600mm Unit 1
A-3 Mesh Belt sorter 1T/H Material: SUS 304 support, food grade conveyor belt, working speed manually adjustable , with the stainless steel sorting table, machine size: 2000mm*1000mm Unit 1
A-4 Bubble cleaning elevator 1T/H SUS304 machine support, fruit washing pool, stainless steel baffle plates (the baffles are all with holes) are all made of SUS304, elevatoring speed is manually adjustable, with spray cleaning, the sloping bottom, hand hole, an overflow port, discharging port, the size is about: L*W*H=3000mm×1000mm×1200mm, the diameter of the baffle is: 5000mm×600mm Unit 1
Subtotal A:
B: Pulping system
B-1 Sprial pre-boiler 1T/H Material: SUS 304, U-shape tank, thermal insulation, with dimple pad , top open cover, easy to clean, and the boiling time is frequency adjustable( no less than 20min). capacity designed as to dry date. Unit 1
B-2 Temperature control system Spirax Sarce pressure reducing trap valve, German temperature testing system, Burkert angle seat valve, domestic famouse brand stop valve, filter and pressure gauge etc. Set 1
B-3 Stone washer 5T/H SUS304 support, with ABB motor Unit 1
B4 Screw conveyor for waste 1T/H SUS304, the diameter is 200mm, and the length is about 5000mm Unit 1
B-5 Buffer tank 1000L SUS304, double layer, with ladder, adjustable feet, and cone type cover, with flange type outlet at the bottom, electrode type liquid level, digital thermometer. With CIP cleaning balls, inlets for pure water and material Unit 2
B-6 Screw pump 5T/H The material contact parts are all made of food grade rubber, and the pressure of the outlet is 0.6MPa, frequency conversion speed regulation Unit 2
B-7 Double stage pulping machine 5T/H Main material for equipment is SUS304 stainless steel, material for frame support is SUS304 stainless steel rectangular steel, first step speed is 960r/min, mesh is 1.5mm, second step speed is 1200r/min, mesh is 0.8mm, variable frequency adjustable Unit 1
B-8 Tubular cooler 5T/H SUS304, one section, using tower water for cooling, and the difference of the material temperature is 70-50℃ Unit 1
B-9 Pulping platform Carbon steel support, anti slip stainless steel checkered plate, steps, guard bar, central drainage,L*W*H=8000mm×3000mm×2000mm Unit 1
Subtotal B:
C: Enzyme system
C-1 Enzyme adding system 100L/H The whole system include: Enzyme dissolving tank (SUS304, single layer, 100L, half open cover, Enzyme tank, paddle agitator), dosing pump (0-100L/H, stepless adjustable, 6 Bar), and with 2 prinkler heads 1/2” Set 1
C-2 Enzymolysis tank 5000L SUS304, PU insullation, airtight manhole, cone type cover, CIP cleaning balls on the top, digital thermometer, glass liquid level gauge, adjustable feet, breathing valve, off-center vertical agitator, and tie rod valveat the bottom Unit 4
C-3 Centrifugal pump 10T/H SUS304, lift 24m, machinery seal Unit 1
C-4 Enzyme platform SUS304, anti slip stainless steel checkered plate, steps, guard bar, central drainage, L*W*H: 9000mm×800mm×2500mm Set 1
Subtotal C:
D: First stage filtering and pasteurization system
D-1 Vacuum drum filter 5T/H Main material SUS304, with drum filter, with vacuum system, stainless steel collection vat for filter liquid, with waste slicker, screw waste conveyor, stainless steel operating platform, and electric control cabinet Set 1
D-2 Centrifugal pump 10T/H SUS304, lift 24m, machinery seal Unit 2
D-3 Storage tank 5000L SUS304, PU insullation, airtight manhole, cone type cover, CIP cleaning balls on the top, digital thermometer, glass liquid level gauge, adjustable feet, breathing valve, off-center vertical agitator, and tie rod valve at the bottom Unit 1
D-4 Pasteurizer 5T/H Tubular type, LOGO temperature auto control, mateial inlet temperature: 40-50degree, sterilizing temperature: 85-95degre, holding time 15 seconds, material outlet temperauter 45-55degree, with self CIP cleaning uint Unit 1
Subtotal D:
E:Clarification system
E-1 Circulation tank 10000L SUS304, PU insullation, airtight manhole, cone type cover, CIP cleaning balls on the top, digital thermometer, glass liquid level gauge, adjustable feet, breathing valve, off-center vertical agitator, and tie rod valve at the bottom Unit 1
E-2 Centrifugal pump 10T/H SUS304, lift 24m, machinery seal Unit 3
E-3 Cleaning water tank 10000L SUS304, PU insullation, airtight manhole, cone type cover, ladders, digital thermometer, glass liquid level gauge, over flow vent, adjustable feet and tie rodvalve at the bottom, with coil pipe heating device inside Unit 1
E-4 Horizontal spiral separator 5T/H Automatic deslagging, with the starting control cabinet, main and auxiliary motor are variable frequency adjustable Set 1
E-5 Screw conveyor for waste 1T/H SUS304, the diameter is 200mm, and the length is about 5000mm Unit 1
E-6 Buffer tank 500L SUS304, single layer, with ladder, adjustable feet, and cone type cover, with flange type outlet at the bottom, electrode type liquid level, digital thermometer, CIP cleaning balls and pure water and products inlets Unit 1
E-7 Ultra filter 5T/H SUS304, with cleaning equipments, fully-automatic control, the main control parts all adopts international brand, with feeding pump;
Inlet material brix: 12-15brix, filtering area: around 210sqm, operating temperature: 45-54degree, normal working pressure: inlet pressure:5 bar, outlet 1 bar. membrane filtering speed: about 2.8m/s
Unit 1
E-8 Platform for separator SUS304, anti slip stainless steel checkered plate, steps, guard bar, central drainage,

Machine size: L*W*H=5000mm×2500mm×2000mm

Unit 1
Subtotal E:
F. De-coloration system
F-1 Temporary storage tank 10000L SUS304, use PU as insullation, airtight manhole, cone type cover, CIP cleaning balls on the top, digital thermometer, glass liquid level guage, adjustable feet, breathing valve, and tie rod valve at the bottom Unit 1
F-2 Centrifugal pump 10T/H SUS304, lift 36m, machinery seal Unit 1
F-3 Resin regeneration tank 6000L SUS 316L, double layer thermal insulation, cone type cover, off-center vertical agitator, breathing valve, digital temperature meter, steam coil pipe heating. manual temperaure control, glass liquid level guage Unit 1
F-4 Acid dissolving tank 1000L SUS 316L, single layer, cone type cover, off-center vertical agitator, breathing valve, digital temperature meter, glass liquid level guage Set 1
F-5 Alkaline Recovery Tank 3000L SUS 316L, single layer, cone type vover, breathing valve, digital temometer, glass liquid level guage Unit 1
F-6 Centrifugal pump 10T/H SUS304, lift 36m, machinery seal Unit 1
F-7 Resin decoloraton unit 5T/H Material; SUS 304, 2 sets of 6m3 resin tank, easy to load materiall and unload material, the resin can be recoveable , and the resin to be confirmed after the experient by clients Unit 1
F-8 Duplex filter 10T/H SUS 304 stainless steel, mesh size: 200m, nylon filter bag, duplex type Set 1
F-9 Operating platform Operating platform for resin system Unit 1
Subtotal F:
G: Concentrate system
G-1 Storage tank 10000L SUS304, PU insullation, airtight manhole, cone type cover, CIP cleaning balls on the top , digital thermometer, glass liquid level guage, adjustable feet, breathing valve, and tie rod valve at the bottom Unit 1
G-2 Centrifugal pump 10T/H SUS304, lift 24m, machinery seal Unit 1
G-3 Triple effect falling film concentrator 4T/H Product contact: SUS 304, evaporation self control, brix/temperature are all fully controlled, falling film evaporator, downstream Set 1
G-4 Paper filtration 1T/H Plate precision filtration, 0.5um; SUS 304 plate material, paper filtration Unit 1
G-5 Tubular cooler 1T/H SUS304, one section, using tower water for cooling, and the temperature difference of the product is 60-40℃ Unit 1
G-6 Storage tank 3000L SUS304, three layers, with dimple jacket, PU insullation, airtight manhole, cone type cover, CIP cleaning balls on the top , digital thermometer, glass to show the level, adjustable feet, breathing valve, off-center vertical agitator, and tie rod valve at the bottom Unit 1
G-7 Rotary pump 1T/H The material contact part is SUS304, 0.6MPa, speed adjustable by hand wheel Unit 1
G-8 Operating platform SUS304, anti slip stainless steel checkered plate, steps, guard bar, central drainage,

Machine size: L*W*H=5000mm×800mm×2000mm

Unit 1
Subtotal G:
H:Sterilizing and filling system
H-1 Tube-in-tube sterilizer 1T/H Adopt the full automatic Simens PLC control,sterilizing temperature 105℃, 60s, material outlet temperature 30 ℃, UK Spirax Sarco steam control system, with CIP cleaning unit Unit 1
H-2 Degas unit 1T/H Automatic control, SUS304, with the degassing tank, vacuum pump, and material pump, also the aroma recovery unit;Labom Differential pressure sensor control level Unit 1
H-3 Bottle filling machine 1T/H Set 1
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