l 整線流程:人工上瓶(理瓶轉臺上瓶、全自動理瓶機)+全自動灌裝機(伺服驅動、機械驅動、氣缸驅動)+全自動旋蓋機(含理蓋機)+鋁箔封口機+全自動貼標機+工作臺
l 適用物料:口服糖漿、漱口水、動物疫苗、洗液、爽膚水、洗發水、沐浴露、洗手液、食用油、潤滑油、消毒液、玻璃水等等
l 灌裝頭數:4頭、6頭、8頭、10頭、12頭、14頭
l 速度舉例:100ml的產品。8頭灌裝機為50-70瓶/分鐘(根據物料的粘度和起泡性)
l 灌裝精度:±0.5–±1%
Auto Piston Filling Production Line adopts pneumatic volumetric with piston dosing filling principle. This line includes entering, positioning, filling, and output automatically controlled by PLC operation and GMP measurement.
Various liquid and semi-paste materials could be filled to meet lots of industries demands as food, medicine, chemistry, pesticide, lube, commodity, cosmetic and etc.