生產線技術規范Based on following Specification:
制品規格: Product specification
zui大速度max speed:.50m/min *生產速度Best speed: 30-40m/min 中心高Center Height: 1000MM 安裝功率Installed power: about 52kW 設備長度Equipment Length: 25m 生產線各組成部分 1. 自動上料機和混合機 一套 Automatic material machine and Mixed machine One set 2. 滴頭篩選, 輸送, 嵌入機組 : 一套 Dropper recognition, transportation and insert machine one set 3. 單螺桿擠出機 : 一套 Single screw extruder 65/30 one set 4. 機頭和模具: 三套 Cross die head one set 5. 真空定徑水槽 : 一套 Vacuum calibrating tank one set 6. 冷卻水槽和去水裝置 一套 Water cooling tank and water removing equipment one set 7. 全自動打孔機 : 一臺 Double hole dripper Drilling unit (Perforating unit) one set 8. 牽引機 二臺 Haul off two sets 9. 自動收卷機 : 一臺 Coiler/winder one set 10. 控制系統 : 一套 Electric cabinet one set 詳細技術數據Technical Data 1. 自動上料機和混合機 一臺 Automatic material machine and Mixed machine one set 1.1 自動上料機用于原料的自動上料 Automatic feeding machine for the automatic feeding of raw materials 1.2 混合機用于幾種原料的均勻混合 Mixer for uniform mixing of several materials 2. 滴頭篩選, 輸送, 嵌入機組 一臺 Dropper recognition, transportation and insert machine one set 2.1 滴頭自動識別機組flat dropper automatic recognition device 2.2 工作室studio: Ø450mm 2.3 識別方法recognition methods: 離心式centrifugal 2.4識別速度recognition speed: 300pcs/min 2.5 控制方法control method: 自動automatic 2.6識別室Identification: 通過圓盤高速離心旋轉以識別正確位置的滴頭, 并使其通過 High-speed centrifugal rotation through the disc to identify the correct position of the dropper, and make it passed 3. 單螺桿擠出機SJ65/30 一臺 Single screw extruder one set 3.1螺桿直徑screw diamter: 65 3.2 長徑比L/D ratio: 30:1 3.3 電機功率motor power: 30kW 3.4 zui大產量capacity: 120kg/h 3.5 加熱功率heating power: 12.3kW 3.6 螺桿材質screw material: 合金alloy 3.7料筒材質canister material: 合金, alloy 3.8機頭十字調心式直角結構。 4. 機頭及模具 一臺 Cross die head one set 4.1 管材直徑pipe dia: Ø12- Ø20mm 4.2 壁厚wall thickness: 0.4-1.5mm 4.3 加熱功率heating power: 12.3kW 5. 真空定徑水槽 一臺 Vacuum calibrating tank one set 5.1 包括定徑套, 水循環系統, 水過濾機組 The group is composed of calibrating sleeve, water recycling system, water cooling system, heater and water filtration system 5.2 定徑方法: 真空 calibrating method: vacuum 5.3 定徑機: 能三維位置調節確保芯棒在定徑套的中心 calibrating system: three dimension control to ensure the mandrill in the center 5.4 材質material: 不銹鋼stainless steel 5.5 尺寸outline: 8m 5.6 水泵water pump: GP-125 5.7 真空泵vacuum pump2.3Kw 5.8 前后移動back forth move: 400mm Cooling water: insist of water filtrating system, auto temperature control, close loop control. 6. 冷卻水槽和去水裝置 一臺 Water cooling tank and and water removing equipment one set 6.1 管材直徑pipe dia: Ø12- Ø20mm 6.2 水循環water recycling: 開環close loop 6.3 長度length:8000mm 6.5 所有與水接觸的部分都是不銹鋼All parts oscillatory with water are stainless steel 6.6 水槽高度可調height can be adjusted 7.全自動打孔機 一臺 Drilling unit (Perforating unit) one set 7.1 用于實現管材的自動跟蹤及打孔auto following and drilling 7.2 打孔速度speed: (30米每分鐘生產線 90 pcs/min,50米每分鐘生產線160pcs∕min)線 性能穩定stabilization 8. 牽引機 二臺 Haul off two sets 8.1 類型: 可控的雙橡膠帶牽引Type: double rubber belt haul off (can control) 8.2 帶長belt length: 2200mm 8.3 速度speed: 0-60m/min 8.4 電機功率motor power: 1.5kW 8.5 zui大牽引力max pull: 500N, 60m/min 9. 雙工位自動收卷機 一臺 Coiler/winder one set 9.1 用于滴灌管的自動收卷 auto winding 9.2 電機motor: 1.5kW*2 9.3 卷取速度winding speed: 60m/min 9.4 張力變頻器Tension inverter 10. 自動控制系統 一臺 Control cabinet one set 采用日本歐姆龍PLC全自動控制和監控整條生產線,生產線的全部單元都被綜合到控制系統中。全線可以控制和監控 變頻器inverter: 歐瑞 接觸器contactor: 正泰 PLC控制系統PLC control: 歐姆龍 觸摸屏Touch screen: 中國臺灣威綸 伺服電機 : 歐姆龍 Apply well-known electric products. PLC full auto control and monitor the whole line. Can linkage and also can separate control and monitor. |