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Viscoelasticity and Interface Bending Properties of Lecithin Reverse Wormlike Micelles Studied by Diffusive Wave Spectroscopy in Hydrophobic Environment

Isabelle Martiel ?, Laurent Sagalowicz ?, and Raffaele Mezzenga *?
? Food and Soft Materials Science, Institute of Food, Nutrition & Health, ETH Zurich, Schmelzbergstrasse 9, CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland
? Nestlé Research Center, Vers-Chez-Les-Blanc, CH-1000 Lausanne 26, Switzerland
Langmuir, 2014, 30 (35), pp 10751–10759
DOI: 10.1021/la502748e
Publication Date (Web): August 19, 2014
Copyright © 2014 American Chemical Society
* (R.M.).


Upon the addition of minute quantities of water into a phosphatidylcholine (PC) solution in certain organic solvents, PC micelles elongate into giant reverse wormlike micelles that entangle and form highly viscous microemulsions, called lecithin organogels. We investigated the microrheological properties of concentrated PC–cyclohexane reverse wormlike micellar systems by diffusive wave spectroscopy (DWS) in apolar medium, combined with bulk shear rheology. We applied DWS to our oil-continuous system by using hydrophobic poly(hydroxystearic acid)-grafted PMMA particles as monodisperse tracer particles. Relevant parameters such as the micellar scission energy and persistence length were extracted from the microrheology data and interpreted according to the sphere-to-rod-to-sphere structural transition. On the basis of these quantities, we calculated the bending and saddle-splay moduli of the PC-covered water–cyclohexane interface. This approach represents a new method for the quantitative estimation of these fundamental parameters, which are thought to underpin the self-assembly of surfactants.

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