


離聚物:SURLYN, 美國杜邦,AS SD400(產品說明)

  • 公司名稱東莞市恒隆塑膠有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       號
  • 所  在  地杭州市
  • 廠商性質其他
  • 更新時間2018/5/15 17:31:59
  • 訪問次數197

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恒隆塑膠原料有限公司位于東莞樟木頭鎮塑膠原料市場中心城C4棟58號,地理位置*,是專業生產、加工、銷售塑膠原料與改性工程塑料于一體的綜合性企業。經營產品有:POM塑膠原料,PET塑膠原料,PBT塑膠原料,PC ABS塑膠原料……比如工程塑膠原料:POM、PBT、PET、PC/ABS、PA66、PC、PPO、PPE、PA6、PA46、PA9T、PA6T、PA12、PA11、ASA、AES、CA等。通用塑膠原料:ABS、PMMA、SAN(AS )、GPPS、HIPS、PP、PE等。特種工程塑膠原料:PPS、LCP、PEI、 PEK、PPA、PI、PSF、PES等。改性工程塑料包括:加玻纖、碳纖、*、礦物、礦纖、阻燃改性;增韌耐寒、抗紫外線、抗靜電、導電等改性工程塑膠原料。熱塑性彈性體:PVC、TPU、K膠、EVA、POE;TPR、TPE、SBS、SEBS、TPEE、TPV、TPO能夠適合您各種硬度之需求及高透明、高彈跳、多手感、高耐磨、抗變黃、阻燃、耐水解等高性能特征,能夠與多種工程塑料,如PC、ABS、PA、PS、PP、PE等良好粘接。適用于運動器材、按摩器、玩具、游戲機手柄、汽車方向盤、電動工具握把、箱包、日用工具手把、牙刷、密封圈等行業。品牌有:巴斯夫(Basf),巴塞爾(Basell), 杜邦(Dupont), 奇美(Chimei), 伊士曼(Eastman),沙伯基礎原GE(Sabic), 帝人(Teijin),三星(Samsung)等。

公司業務遍布全國各地,經過多年的不斷開拓進取,良好的經營和服務得到新老客戶的大力支持和好評。在眾多的同行中已形成自己*的營銷風格。在激烈的市場競爭下, 恒隆塑膠原料能穩穩立足并取得巨大的成就,得感謝廣大客戶和同仁的支持和厚愛!

本公司將不斷開拓市場、切實服務,以*的經營理念與您攜手前進、共創輝煌。 公司始終秉承:“誠信*、客戶*、品質*、服務*”的經營理念,歡迎廣大新老客戶來人來電咨詢!

產品名稱:離聚物:SURLYN, 美國杜邦,AS SD400(產品說明) 所在地區:美國 產品報
離聚物:SURLYN, 美國杜邦,AS SD400(產品說明) 產品信息
離聚物:SURLYN, 美國杜邦,AS SD400(產品說明)-詳細說明:
Surlyn樹脂是杜邦美國杜邦公司利用*的生產工藝聚合而成,是由高壓自由基聚合的乙烯-甲基丙烯酸共聚物經部分或全部中和而制成的一種共聚物。Surlyn樹脂中酸的含量約為6%(摩爾),用鈉、鉀、鎂或鋅的化合物中和酸。Surlyn樹脂的密度為0.93~0.94 克/立方厘米,它可以像低密度聚乙烯那樣進行吹塑和擠出成型;而另一方面它又比低密度聚乙烯有更高的強度、耐油性和對材料的粘合性。由于它還具有優異的透明度而曾被稱為透明聚乙烯。這些特性是由于分子中存在離子鍵的結果1、 優異的低溫抗沖擊韌性  2、 出色的抗磨損、刮擦性能   3、出色的抗化學藥品性能   4、透明、清澈、光澤柔和華貴   5、優異的熔融強度(熔融下拉伸不斷裂)   6、有多種牌號符合FDA相關標準   7、直接粘貼環氧樹脂和聚丙烯表面作修飾保護   8、 直接熱貼合在金屬、玻璃、天然纖維表面作修飾保護


(1)化妝品領域:香水瓶蓋,霜、膏容器等  ?。?)消 費 品 領 域:各種手柄,玩具如寵物口嚼物,冰桶, 地板 ?。?)運動器材領域:高爾夫球殼,沖浪板,滑雪板表層,滑雪靴,滑冰靴,雪曲棍球頭盔,鞋后跟內襯,牛仔競技保護背心  ?。?)其 他 領 域:浮標,戶外安全照明,玻璃制品表面涂層,管道螺絲保護蓋,熒光燈表面保護


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DuPont™ Entira™ AS SD100 is an extremely hygroscopic ionomer resin that is supplied as free flowing pellets.

  • Industrial Applications
  • Packaging

  • Entira™ AS SD100 is used to lower the static decay time and surface resistivity of LDPE, LLDPE and other polymers.

Characteristics / Benefits:
  • Entira™ AS SD100 can be precompounded or dry blended into polymers for extrusion, molding, or various other processing methods

  • Antistatic agent for polyethylene ( LDPE, LLDPE and EVA) and other polymers, in films, moldings and extruded forms
  • 實驗階段:進行中
搜索 UL 黃卡 
  • DuPont Packaging & Industrial Polymers
  • 北美洲
  • 歐洲
  • 抗靜電性
  • 包裝
  • 工業領域:
  • 混合
  • FDA 21 CFR 177.1330(a)
  • 顆粒料
--0.987 ASTM D792
--0.985g/cm3ISO 1183
熔流率 (190°C/2.16 kg)5.0g/10 minASTM D1238, ISO 1133
維卡軟化溫度145°FASTM D1525, ISO 306
溶融溫度(DSC)198°FASTM D3418, ISO 3146
Freezing Point - (DSC)147°FASTM D3418
Processing Temperature - Maximum410°F 
General Processing Information:
  • Entira™ AS SD100 is a hygroscopic material. To minimize exposure to moisture, any remaining material should be hermetically sealed in a barrier package immediay after use.
  • In order to reuse remaining material that has been hermetically sealed, the material should be dried under vacuum with a nitrogen flow at 50-60°C for several hours prior to use.
  • Entira™ AS SD100 is available in pellet form for use in conventional equipment for processing polyolefins. Entira™ AS SD100 can be fed together with base polymers and other additives in the hopper during processing. Typical addition levels range from 10-30%.
  • Materials of construction used in the processing of this resin should be corrosion resistant. Stainless steels of the types 316, 15-5PH, and 17-4PH are excellent, as is quality chrome or nickel plating, and in particular duplex chrome plating. Type 410 stainless steel is satisfactory, but needs to be tempered at a minimum temperature of 600°C (1112°F) to avoid hydrogen-assisted stress corrosion cracking. Alloy steels such as 4140 are borderline in performance. Carbon steels are not satisfactory. While stainless steels can provide adequate corrosion protection, in some cases severe purging difficulties have been encountered. Nickel plating has been satisfactory, but experiments have shown that chrome surfaces have the least adhesion to acid based polymers. In recent years, the quality of chrome plating has been deteriorating due to environmental pressures, and the corrosion protection has not always been adequate. Chrome over top of stainless steel seems to provide the best combination for corrosion protection and ease of purging.
  • After processing Entira™ AS, purge the material out using a polyethylene resin, preferably with a lower melt flow rate than the Entira™ AS resin in use. The "Disco Purge Method" is suggested as the preferred purging method, as this method usually results in a more effective purging process. Information on the Disco Purge Method can be obtained via your DuPont Sales Representative.
  • Never shut down the extrusion system with Entira™ AS in the extruder and die. Properly purge out the Entira™ AS with a polyethylene, and shut down the line with polyethylene or polypropylene in the system.

地址:廣東 東莞市

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