熱塑性彈性體(TPE)的加工性能類似熱塑性塑料,而性能和觸感則類似熱固性橡膠,良好的綜合性能使其在過去的10年里始終是塑料界的“明星”。更快速的加工速度和更低的廢料率,使得TPE在消費品、醫療和汽車等領域的應用得到了迅速擴張。現在,實現硬質/軟質的包覆成型已經不再是什么難事了,從牙刷到電動工具,TPE的身影可謂是無處不在。 TPE是材料領域zui有活力和應用前景的產品之一。Freedonia集團2007年的一項市場調查預測,TPE的需求量將以每年6.3%的速度遞增,到2011年,其總需求量將達到36.7億kg。據Robert Eller Associates公司的總裁Robert Eller估計,汽車將是TPE在zui大的消費市場,約占總需求量的40%~50%。 然而,在發達國家,那些易于取代熱固性橡膠的領域已經逐漸完成了更新換代,而且需求也正逐漸減緩。相比之下,消費品市場和建筑領域對TPE產品的需求已經初現苗頭,并大有增長之勢,TPE產品市場也隨之向中國轉移。目前,中國許多制造商都開始采用TPE來制造產品,包括鞋類、家用器具、消費品、電氣用具、五金制具及運動/休閑產品等。
本公司 可以免費提供各種材料物性及各種材質認證 如:SGS UL MSDS ROHS MDS 等證明 : 通過這些鏈接您能夠訪問供應商資料。我們盡量保證 準確數據資料; UL 黃卡含有 UL 驗證的易燃性和電氣特性物性說明
針對市場的應用需求,TPE供應商推出了很多高性能的TPE材料,并逐漸拓展了材料的功能。“直到現在,TPE仍被認為是輔助材料,只能提供視覺、觸覺和感覺方面的需求。” 吉力士公司(被普立萬公司收購)市場部副總裁Walt Ripple說,“現在,這些材料已經具備了全新的性能。” 關注環保、更加 現在,TPE已經開始廣泛應用于市場,例如,苯乙烯類彈性體,如SEBS與TPO配合使用能夠取代共聚聚酯彈性體(COPE),以作為高性能工程材料用于制造安全氣囊的外皮。同樣的,苯乙烯類TPE也正逐步取代價格昂貴的TPU而被用作抗摩擦材料。特種品級的TPE還具有更高的透明性、更低的硬度、更好的耐化學腐蝕性和抗刮擦性能。 綠色塑料,即生物基塑料和可再生塑料逐漸走入人們的視野,更高性能的耐熱性材料開始應用于特殊的包裝中,如電纜電線和汽車領域等。塑料與其他的熱塑性塑料、織物和金屬等材料的包覆粘接仍然是研究的焦點。為了更有效地滿足市場需求,新型的無鹵阻燃材料和低揮發性材料也逐漸成為材料供應商開發的重點。COPEC® CC6OCZ (Series: VS/MR/AD1) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
COPEC® CC7OCN (Series: VS/MR/AD1) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
COPEC® CC7OCZ (Series: VS/MR/AD1) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
COPEC® CC8OCN (Series: VS/MR/AD1) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
COPEC® CC8OCZ (Series: VS/MR/AD1) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
For-Tec E OC6OAN (Series: AD/PAX/MR) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
For-Tec E OC6OAZ (Series: AD/PAX/MR) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
For-Tec E OC7OAN (Series: AD/PAX/MR) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
For-Tec E OC7OAZ (Series: AD/PAX/MR) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
For-Tec E OC8OAN (Series: AD/PAX/MR) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
For-Tec E OC8OAZ (Series: AD/PAX/MR) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
HIPEX® HX6ICN | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
HIPEX® HX6ICZ | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
HIPEX® HX8ICN | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
HIPEX® HX8ICZ | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
THERMOLAST® A TA4AOZ (Series: UV/CO/1VT) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
THERMOLAST® A TA5AOZ (Series: UV/CO/1VT) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
THERMOLAST® A TA6AOZ (Series: UV/CO/1VT) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
THERMOLAST® A TA7AOZ (Series: UV/CO/1VT) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
THERMOLAST® A TA8AOZ (Series: UV/CO/1VT) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
THERMOLAST® K TC0COZ (Series: GP/LD/b) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
THERMOLAST® K TC0GPN (Series: GP/HM) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | SEBS | |
THERMOLAST® K TC0GPZ (Series: GP/HM) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | SEBS | |
THERMOLAST® K TC0TPN (Series: GP/TP) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
THERMOLAST® K TC0TPZ (Series: GP/TP) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
THERMOLAST® K TC2GPN (Series: GP/HM) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | SEBS | |
THERMOLAST® K TC2GPZ (Series: GP/HM) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | SEBS | |
THERMOLAST® K TC2PAN (Series: CO/PA) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
THERMOLAST® K TC2PAZ (Series: CO/PA) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
THERMOLAST® K TC2TPN (Series: GP/TP) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
THERMOLAST® K TC2TPZ (Series: GP/TP) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
THERMOLAST® K TC3COZ (Series: GP/LD/b) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | SEBS | |
THERMOLAST® K TC3CSN (Series: CS) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
THERMOLAST® K TC3CSZ (Series: CS) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
THERMOLAST® K TC3GPN (Series: GP/HM) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | SEBS | |
THERMOLAST® K TC3GPZ (Series: GP/HM) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | SEBS | |
THERMOLAST® K TC3MSB (Series: CO/1VT) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
THERMOLAST® K TC3MSZ (Series: CO/1VT) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
THERMOLAST® K TC3PAN (Series: CO/PA) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
THERMOLAST® K TC3PAZ (Series: CO/PA) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
THERMOLAST® K TC3TPN (Series: GP/TP) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
THERMOLAST® K TC3TPZ (Series: GP/TP) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
THERMOLAST® K TC4COZ (Series: GP/LD/b) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | SEBS | |
THERMOLAST® K TC4CSN (Series: CS) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
THERMOLAST® K TC4CSZ (Series: CS) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
THERMOLAST® K TC4FLN (Series: FR/AP) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
THERMOLAST® K TC4FLZ (Series: FR/AP) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
THERMOLAST® K TC4FRN (Series: FR) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
THERMOLAST® K TC4FRZ (Series: FR) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
THERMOLAST® K TC4GPN (Series: GP/HM) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | SEBS | |
THERMOLAST® K TC4GPZ (Series: GP/HM) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | SEBS | |
THERMOLAST® K TC4HAA (Series: CO/POM) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
THERMOLAST® K TC4HAZ (Series: CO/POM) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
THERMOLAST® K TC4MSB (Series: CO/1VT) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
THERMOLAST® K TC4MSZ (Series: CO/1VT) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
THERMOLAST® K TC4NYN (Series: CO/NY) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
THERMOLAST® K TC4NYZ (Series: CO/NY) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
THERMOLAST® K TC4PAN (Series: CO/PA) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
THERMOLAST® K TC4PAZ (Series: CO/PA) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
THERMOLAST® K TC4PCN (Series: CO/PA/CS) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
THERMOLAST® K TC4PCZ (Series: CO/PA/CS) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
THERMOLAST® K TC4TPN (Series: GP/TP) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
THERMOLAST® K TC4TPZ (Series: GP/TP) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
THERMOLAST® K TC5COZ (Series: GP/LD/b) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | SEBS | |
THERMOLAST® K TC5CSN (Series: CS) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
THERMOLAST® K TC5CSZ (Series: CS) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
THERMOLAST® K TC5FLN (Series: FR/AP) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
THERMOLAST® K TC5FLZ (Series: FR/AP) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
THERMOLAST® K TC5FRN (Series: FR) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
THERMOLAST® K TC5FRZ (Series: FR) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
THERMOLAST® K TC5GPN (Series: GP/HM) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | SEBS | |
THERMOLAST® K TC5GPZ (Series: GP/HM) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | SEBS | |
THERMOLAST® K TC5HAA (Series: CO/POM) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
THERMOLAST® K TC5HAZ (Series: CO/POM) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
THERMOLAST® K TC5MLB (Series: CO/1VT) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | SEBS | |
THERMOLAST® K TC5MLZ (Series: CO/1VT) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | SEBS | |
THERMOLAST® K TC5NYN (Series: CO/NY) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
THERMOLAST® K TC5NYZ (Series: CO/NY) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
THERMOLAST® K TC5PAN (Series: CO/PA) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
THERMOLAST® K TC5PAZ (Series: CO/PA) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
THERMOLAST® K TC5PCN (Series: CO/PA/CS) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
THERMOLAST® K TC5PCZ (Series: CO/PA/CS) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
THERMOLAST® K TC5TPN (Series: GP/TP) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
THERMOLAST® K TC5TPZ (Series: GP/TP) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
THERMOLAST® K TC6COZ (Series: GP/LD/b) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | SEBS | |
THERMOLAST® K TC6CSN (Series: CS) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
THERMOLAST® K TC6CSZ (Series: CS) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
THERMOLAST® K TC6FLN (Series: FR/AP) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
THERMOLAST® K TC6FLZ (Series: FR/AP) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
THERMOLAST® K TC6FRN (Series: FR) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
THERMOLAST® K TC6FRZ (Series: FR) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
THERMOLAST® K TC6GPN (Series: GP/HM) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | SEBS | |
THERMOLAST® K TC6GPZ (Series: GP/HM) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | SEBS | |
THERMOLAST® K TC6HAA (Series: CO/POM) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
THERMOLAST® K TC6HAZ (Series: CO/POM) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
THERMOLAST® K TC6HBA (Series: CO/POM) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
THERMOLAST® K TC6HBZ (Series: CO/POM) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | TPE | |
THERMOLAST® K TC6MLB (Series: CO/1VT) | KRAIBURG TPE Corporation | SEBS | |
產品說明 | |
TYPICAL APPLICATIONS: applications in automotive and electric industries with high requirements to Compression Set (e.g. sealing in junction for electronic boxes and connectors, automotive air drag sealing) MATERIAL ADVANTAGES: seals under static and dynamic loadgood compression set for sealing applications, exp. to meet the IP 65 or higher requirementnatural compounds easy to colourgenerally, application at higher temperature is possibleadhesion to PP PROCESSING: like polyolefinesprocessing temperature: 180° C to 220° C (max. 250° C)high injection speed and pressureno pre-dryingeasy demoulding | |
總體 | |
材料狀態 | 已商用:當前有效 |
資料 1 | Processing - Extrusion (English)Processing - Injection (English)Technical Datasheet (English) |
搜索 UL 黃卡 | KRAIBURG TPE CorporationTHERMOLAST® K |
供貨地區 | 北美洲歐洲亞太地區 |
性能特點 | 良好的著色性 |
用途 | 電氣/電子應用領域密封汽車領域的應用: |
外觀 | 自然色 |
加工方法 | 注射成型 |
物理性能 | 額定值 | 單位制 | 測試方法 |
密度 | 1.10 | g/cm3 | ISO 1183 |
硬度 | 額定值 | 單位制 | 測試方法 |
支撐硬度 (邵氏 A) | 60 | ISO 868 |
彈性體 | 額定值 | 單位制 | 測試方法 |
拉伸應力 2 (屈服) | 914 | psi | ISO 37 |
伸長率 2 (斷裂) | 460 | % | ISO 37 |
撕裂強度 3 | 97 | lbf/in | ISO 34-1 |
壓縮*變形 | ISO 815 | ||
73°F, 72.0 hr | 12 | % | |
158°F, 22.0 hr | 22 | % | |
212°F, 22.0 hr | 35 | % | |
248°F, 22.0 hr | 70 | % |
注射 | 額定值 | 單位制 | |
干燥溫度 | 140 到 176 | °F | |
干燥時間 | 2.0 到 4.0 | hr | |
螺筒后部溫度 | 356 | °F | |
螺筒中部溫度 | 392 | °F | |
螺筒前部溫度 | 428 | °F | |
模具溫度 | 77.0 到 104 | °F | |
注塑溫度 | 725 到 5800 | psi | |
注射速度 | 快速 | ||
背壓 | 290 到 725 | psi | |
注射說明 | |||
Hot Runner Temperature: 200 to 250°C Hot runner should be empty after a maximum of 2 to 3 shots. With materials <50 Shore A the use of a needle seal nozzle is advisable. | |||
擠出 | 額定值 | 單位制 | |
干燥溫度 | 140 到 176 | °F | |
干燥時間 | 2.0 到 4.0 | hr | |
第1氣缸區溫度 | 320 | °F | |
第2氣缸區溫度 | 356 | °F | |
第3氣缸區溫度 | 392 | °F | |
模具溫度 | 356 到 374 | °F | |
擠壓說明 | |||
L/D Ratio: 25:1 Compression Ratio: 3.5:1 Mold Clamping Zone: 3 to 5 mm Extruder Heat Temperature: 180°C |
地址:廣東 東莞市
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