水冷式冷水機watercooled chiller適用范圍:塑膠工業,電鍍業,食品業,電子制品業,漂染業,超聲波機械冷卻等行業。 ◆特點:★所有管路保溫設計,防止機體管路局部對流★冷卻溫度范圍5~35℃★獨立溫度控制器防凍保護★不銹鋼保溫水箱★控制線路相序保護,冷媒系統高低壓開關控制★殼管式冷凝器,傳熱效果更佳,散熱更快★壓縮機及泵浦均有過載保護★采用大容量的殼管式蒸發器,制冷效果好,可適用于溫度較高的壞境★制冷劑采用R22,制冷效果好★可選配R407C環保冷媒,更親近自然◆Features:★Cooling temperature range 5~35℃ ★High-capacity tube-in-shell evaporater with very good heat exchange performance especially for high ambient temperature condition★Tube-fin double condensers with excellent heat transfer and rapid cooling ★Stainless steel warm-keeping water tank ★R22 refrigerant to be used for efficient cooling ★R407 environment-friendly refrigerant is optional to use ★Overload protection for compressor,pump and blower ★Independent temperature controller,anti-freeze protection ★Phase sequence protection for control circuit, refrigeration loop controlled by high and low pressure switch ★Warm-keeping design for all piping to avoid partial convection★Suitable for machine cooling in industries of plastics, electrolating,Foodstuff,electrinic products,bleaching and dyeing,ultrosonics.全新造型的XB系列工業冷水機主要適用于塑膠工業,它可以精確的控制塑膠成形模具溫度以縮短成型周期,加速產品定形;該系列運用冷熱交換的原理進行冷卻,可快速降溫,溫控穩定。且不受環境因素的影響,是現代工業中*的配置設備。New-designed XB series of industrial chillers are capable of controlling precisely the mold temperature in plastic molding process as so to shorten molding cycle and speed product formalizaton.The principle fo heat exchange is adoted for cooling.They can achieve rapid cooling,stable temperature con trolling,and will be little effected by the surounding factors.Therefore they are necessary good equipments in modern industry.