產品簡介 Produsts Introduction
DX2240多線切割機為我公司融合以往成熟機型特點,設計的一款升級機型,DX2240多線切割機從操作性到穩定性都在很大提升。 主要用于將材料批量加工成8mm以下厚度片材,它的推出適應了客戶對加工^率、運行穩定性、工藝適 用性及經濟性的更高要求。DX2240多線切割機在保證了高精度、高可靠性的前提下,實現了加工^率的顯著提升。
This series was adept in the task of finial size less than 8mm. The emergence of this series referenced to the advantages of the previous generation models. The casted frame ensured high-precision, more reliable and high efficiency.
切割樣品 Cutting sample
結構布局設計 Structural layout design
應用場景 Application scene
機型特點 Characteristics