- 產品簡介:
Lead sheath is the best cover and practice to protect the cable core from penetration of all fluids such as water, oil , … other contaminated water with chemicals that can be harmful for the cable and cabling system in two major concerns :
1- These fluids will damage the cable core, specially the insulation of conductors and finally age the cable
and make it out of service much sooner than normal life cycle of cable (Normally its min 30 years)
2- Penetration of fluids to cable core, may be extended to whole cable run and ingress to switchgears and
damage the electric parts and cabinets.
HONTA成立于2006年9月,長期致力于線纜導體拉絲與絞線的技術研究,與國內外多家的線纜企業有著長期友好的合作,并與2017年建立HONTA INC.美國第二生產基地。公司的主要產品有銅線和鋁線大拉生產線、線材電鍍生產線、多頭拉絲生產線系列、高速絞線設備等。現已成為頗具規模的線纜設備系統服務商。我們的產品以高速、高效、自動化與人性化享譽業界。我們的服務:個性化的售前技術支持、整廠項目規劃提案、系統的售后技術服務。HONTA時刻專注客戶的需求與利益,推陳出新,全力以赴研發滿足各種規格導體的拉絲設備,與您共同實現宏偉理想。
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