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德國膠寶THERMOLAST K TF6CGN*報價誠信供應相關介紹如下:
KRAIBURG TPE drives automotive innovation by developing special TPE compounds
that offer many advantages to vehicle manufacturers.
For exterior automotive applications, our TPEs boost of high performance, durability
and weatherability.
For interior applications, our colorable, soft touch and velvety TPEs enhance interior
aesthetics and resist intense heat, scratches, and UV rays. Automotive sealing
performance is further strengthened with our sealing systems, featuring good surface
appearance and elasticity, chemical, water and vibration resistance, and excellent
UV stability.
Specially developed TPE compounds are also at work under the hood to resist extreme
heat, flame, abrasion, oil and grease, ensuring the vehicle’s performance is never
compromised. We provide TPEs that meet all relevant requirements, including
Kalahari and Arizona test certifications.