我公司*現貨供應*銷售 銷售*Ticona Vectra MT4310 *塑膠原材料,咨詢! 吳生
銷售*Ticona Vectra MT4310 相關產品介紹,應用如下:
Celanese has worked with the defense industry to help it incorporate lightweight engineering polymers, performance fibers and thermoplastic composites for weight and cost reduction without a loss in part or material performance.
Benefits are:
- high-heat resistance — exceptional high-temperature performance
- chemical resistance — outstanding resistance to aircraft fuels, oils, solvents and anti-icing agents, and extremely low moisture absorption
- durability — excellent hardness, stiffness and dimensional stability
- flame resistance — meets FAA flame smoke and toxicity (FST) requirements and heat generation specifications for aircraft interior applications
- lightweight — many components are 20 percent lighter than those made from traditional materials such as metal and light alloys
- cost-effective — save 10 to 50 percent, depending on manufacturing
- green — recyclable; little to no VOCs released during processing
- fibers and thermoplastic composites — weight and cost reduction without a loss of system performance